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Saturday, June 20, 2020

10 Yoga Asanas For Beginners At Home

Are you want to start doing Yoga? Don't you know which yoga asanas you should start with? 

You don't need to worry about it much. As a Yoga Instructor, I am here to suggest you 10 Yoga For Beginners like you. Yes, you can do all of these at your home. Just you have to follow the instructions given below.

As an instructor, I know it is very tough for beginners to continue these Yogas. But if want good health and a good mind, then you should have a strong determination of doing all this. All of you have to do is, start practicing all of these on a daily basis and at a particular time, then it will be a habit for you.

10 Yoga For Beginners at Home:-

1. PADMASANA (Lotus Position):-

 Origin of Padmasana:- 

Padmasana or Lotus Position is cross-legged sitting asana The name"Padmasana" is from the Sanskrit where the 'Padma' means lotus and 'asana' means position. It is originated in India in ancient times by Maharshi Patanjali.

 Benefits of Padmasana:- 

  • It will reduce your mental stress.
  • It improves your digestion problem.
  • It strengthens knee and ankle joints.
  • It reduces menstrual cramps in girls and women.
  • It helps to increase your concentration power.
  • It helps in fighting with the sleep disorder problem of people.
  • It will improve your posture and a healthy spine.
  • It will boost up your metabolic rate and thus restore the energy level in you.
  • It helps pregnant ladies during childbirth.

 How to do Padmasana:- 

  • First, sit on a flat surface on the ground with your spine erect and your legs stretched out.
  • Bend the right knee, and place it on the left thigh with the help of your hands. Sole of your feet should be point upward and the heel should be close to the abdomen.
  • Now, you have to repeat the same step with your other leg.
  • With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs, place your hands on the Mundra position.
  • You should keep the head straight and spine erect.
  • Now, inhale and exhale for long and deep and hold the position for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the posture with the other leg on the top.

2. VRIKSHASANA (Tree Pose):-

 Origin of Vrikshasana:- 

The name comes from the Sanskrit words 'Vriksa' means Tree and 'asana' means position. It is originated in Indian.

 Benefits of Vriskhasana:- 

  • It improves the balance and stability of your legs.
  • It improves your posture.
  • It improves your neuro-muscular coordination by aligning the body with the mind.
  • It will reduce your stress level.
  • It improves the concentration level.

 How to do Vrikshasana:- 

  • First, stand straight on the ground with your spine erect.
  • Balance yourself and pull you a right leg up, place the right foot on the inner thigh of your left leg.
  • Keep your left leg straight and the right leg should make a triangle.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly and try to focus on a point straight to your eyes.
  • Hold on the position for few minutes and then bring down your right leg in the ground.
  • You should repeat this Asana for at least 3-4 times.

3. TADASANA (Mountain Pose):-

 Origin of TADASANA:- 

Tadasana or Mountain Posture comes from the Sanskrit words 'Tada' means mountain, 'asana' means posture. It is a standing asana in modern yoga. Tadasana is a basic posture and it is the basis of many standing Asanas.

 Benefits of TADASANA:- 

  • It is one of the best yoga postures to increase height.
  • It stimulates our nervous system.
  • It improves body posture and the balance of the body.
  • It regulates the menstrual cycle in women.
  • It strengthens your ankles, knees, thighs, arms, and legs.
  • It improves the function of the respiratory and digestive systems.

 How to do Tadasana:- 

  • First, you have to stand with your feet slightly apart. Your weight should be equally balanced on both feet.
  • Your hands should be alongside your body.
  • Inhale and raise your hands upwards and interlock your fingers.
  • Raise your heels and stand on your toes.
  • Feel that your body is stretching and look upwards.
  • Now, stretch out your shoulders, arms, and chest up.
  • Hold this posture for a while.
  • Exhale and return to your initial position.
  • Repeat the Asana 3-4 times.

4. MARJARIASANA (Cat & Cow Pose):-

 Origin of Marjariasana:- 

Marjaryasana is an asana which is translated as a cat post from Sanskrit. The name of this position comes from 'major' means cat and 'asana' means posture or seat.

 Benefits of Marjariasana:- `

  • This posture improves the flexibility of your muscles and enables you to add funds to more complex poses.
  • This pose strengthening your spine
  • It also improves the blood flow in your spine.
  • It helps in the regulation of breathing patterns.
  • This pose can relieve your back pain.
  • It can reduce your mental stress.

 How to do Marjariasana:- 

  • First, you have to get down onto your hands and knees,  placing each hand directly under its shoulder and each hand under its hip. Point your finger up to the top of your mat.
  • Now relax your hand and neck into a neutral position, looking downward.
  • You have to move first in to get Kafi spores by breathing in and relaxing your belly towards the floor.
  • imagine your breath moving into your lungs and along your back while you lift your chin and chest and look up to the ceiling.  Hold for a few seconds.
  • Gentle moving to get cow face pose by exhaling while you pull your belly in towards your spine.
  • do the same steps for three to four times.

5. VIRVADRASANA (Warrior Pose):-

 Origin of Virvadrasana:- 

The name is from the Sanskrit 'Virabhadrasana', the asanas of the mythical warrior Virabhadra. The Warrior's s name is an intern from the Sanskrit 'Vira' means hero and 'Bhadra' means friend.

Virvadrasana is of two types:- 


 Benefits of Virvadrasana-I:- 

  • This poster strengthens your shoulders and legs ankles and back.
  • It opens your hip, chest, and lungs.
  • It improves focus on balance and stability.
  • It encourages good circulation and respiration.
  • This posture can stretch your arms legs neck belly shoulders and ankles.
  • It can energize the entire body.

 How to do Virvadrasana-I:- 

  • First, you have to stand erect and spread your legs about 3-4 feet apart.  your right foot should be in the front and the left foot behind.
  • Now, turn your right foot onward by 90 degrees and the left by 20-25 degree, make sure the heel of the right foot is perfectly aligned with the center of the left foot.
  • Lift your arms sideways until they reach the height of your shoulders.
  • Exhale and bend your right knee, such that your knee and ankle form a straight line. Make sure that your knee does not go ahead of your ankle.
  • Turn your head towards the right.
  • As you move into the pose, stretch your arms further, and join your palms above your head. Look at your palms. Gently push your pelvis down.
  • Hold the posture as a warrior. Breathe normally and keep going down.
  • Inhale and come up.
  • Exhale and gently bring your hands down from the side.
  • Repeat this posture on the left side, with your left leg in the front and the right one at the back.


 Benefits of Virvadrasana-II:- 

  • Gives strength to your legs, arms, lower back, and tones your lower body.
  • Relieve pain during mensuration days in women.
  • Improve blood circulation in your body.
  • It gives strength to your abdominal organs.
  • It calms your mind and improves concentration.

 How to do Virvadrasana-II: 

  • First, you have to stand straight with your legs hip-distance apart and arms on your sides.
  • Now, Spread your legs wide apart.
  • Turn your right foot out to face the right side of the mat.
  • The other feet will turn inward to make a 45-degree angle.
  • Do not twist your body; keep it in the center, facing the front.
  • Go forward on your right knee making a 90-degree angle; make sure your knee doesn't cross over the toe.
  • Let the other leg stretch properly.
  • Bring your arms parallel to the floor, stretched wide apart.
  • Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side. 

6. BHUJANGASANA (Cobra Pose):-

 Origin of Bhujangasan:- 

The word "Bhujangasan" comes from Sanskrit. It is a combination of two words- 'bhujanga' means cobra and 'asana' means posture. 

 Benifits of Bhujangasan:- 

  • It builds strength in the back of your body.
  • It helps to improve posture.
  • It stretches the muscles of the abdomen.
  • It helps to lift your mood and energy levels.

 How to do Bhujangasan:- 

  • First, lie on your stomach and place your forehead on the floor.
  • You can have your feet together.
  • Keep the tops of your feet pressing against the floor.
  • Place your hands underneath your shoulder, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Draw your shoulder blades back and down, and try to maintain this throughout the pose.
  • Draw your pubic bone towards the floor to stabilize your lower back, and press your feet activity onto the floor.
  • With the next inhale start lifting your head and chest off the floor. Be mindful of opening the chest, and don't place all of your weight onto your hands. Keep the elbows slightly bent and keep the back muscles working. Take your hands off from the floor for a moment to see what is a comfortable, maintainable height for you.
  • Keep your shoulder relaxed.
  • With exhale lower yourself back onto the ground.
  • Till 2-4 rounds of inhaling yourself up into the cobra, and exhaling down to the floor. Then hold for 2-3 full breaths, and come back down. 
  • Now rest on the floor for a few breaths.

7. NAUKASANA (Boat Pose):-

 Origin of Naukasana:- 

The name comes from the Sanskrit word "nava" means boat and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Naukasana:- 

  • It strengthens your abdominal muscles.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs, and shoulders.
  • It improves the health of all organs in the abdomen especially the liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
  • It helps in regulating blood flow at the sugar level.
  • It toughens muscles of neck, shoulder, and legs.

 How to do Naukasana:- 

  • First, bring your feet together and your arms on the sides.
  • Keep your arms straight and your fingers outstretched towards your toes.
  • Start inhaling and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground ground, stretching your arms towards your feet. Feel the tension in your stomach area as the abdominal muscles contract.
  • Let the weight of your body rests entirely on the buttocks. Make sure your eyes, finger, and toes are all in one line. 
  • Hold your breath and remain in this position for a few seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly as you bring the body down to the starting position and relax. You can perform 3-4 repetitions daily.

8. MATSYASANA (Fish Pose):-

 Origin of Matsyasana:- 

The name comes from Sanskrit words "Matsya" means fish and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Matsyasana:- 

  • Improve your balance digestion.
  • It stretches your hamstrings.
  • It reduces stress.
  • It increases the concentration power in you.
  • It tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles.
  • It improves the blood circulation in your body.

 How to do Matsyasana:- 

  • Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat with your hands rest alongside sides.
  • Relax in this position for some time and keep breathing normally.
  • Now inhale slowly and lift both legs.
  • Keep your legs straight and should not be bent.
  • Raise your upper body to touch your legs with both hands.
  • Try to maintain an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Hold your breath and the posture for 10-15 seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly and get back to your starting position.

9. HALASANA (Plow Pose):-

 Origin of  Halasana:- 

The name comes from Sanskrit "hall" means plow and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Halasana:- 

  • It activates your thyroid glands.
  • It makes the shoulder muscles flexible.
  • It elongates and stretches our spine, thus improve our posture.
  • This yoga posture is very beneficial for Synosities patients as it opens up your respiratory glands.
  • It is very effective in removing headaches.
  • It is very beneficial for hypertension patients.

 How to do Halasana:- 

  • Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat with your hands rest alongside your legs.
  • Hold your lower hip and raise your hip with your legs. Legs should be straight. 
  • Take your legs backward, over the head, towards the floor. But if you couldn't make it at a first stretch as much as you could at your initial level.
  • Gently, place your toes on the ground. Then, place your arms back on them alongside.
  • Hold this pose for at least 1-2 min, breathe slowly in this position.
  • As the blood rushes to your head, pace your breath.
  • Once you are done, hold your lower hip with your hands and then slowly come back to your initial position.

10. PHALANKASANA (Plank Pose):-

 Origin of Phalankasana:- 

It comes from the Sanskrit word "Kumbha" which means breathe retention and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Phalankasana:- 

  • It tones the belly and lower abdomen organs.
  • It helps us to reduce back pain.
  • It increases flexibility in feet.
  • It improves our mood.
  • This posture builds upper and core body strength.
  • It strengthens the lower back muscles.

 How to do Phalankasana:- 

  • First, come to the push-up position.
  • Spread your singer wide apart with the middle finger pointing forward.
  • Press into your palms.
  • make sure that the torso and hips are straight to the body line.
  • With the toes tucked, press the crown of the head forward.
  • Press the heels back.
  • Hands should be straight. Do not bend the knees.
  • Now hold in this position for a minute.
  • Now slowly come back to your initial position.

😃Stay safe and eat healthily for your better tomorrow which will bring a happier life than ever before😃

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