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Monday, June 1, 2020

10 Foods For Your Child's Growth |Nutrition Tips


One of the biggest concerns of every parent is the growth of their child. So as a parent you should know what are the things you should do for your child's proper care.

Children's growth depends upon various things such as good nutrition, proper sleep, yoga or exercise, or playing outdoor games, a happy and joyful environment. One of the most important thing among all of these is proper nutrition. Good nutrition plays a vital role in children's growth.

What is Good Nutrition?

Good nutrition means the body gets all the nutrients of Vitamins, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Fibres, minerals, and water, it needs to work its best. So, the proper amount of all these things in your child's food is very essential.

Why Good Nutrition is Very Important for Growth?

  • Carbohydrates and fat give energy for growth and all types of physical activity.
  • Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for the normal growth and development of bones in children.
  • Iron supports normal cognitive development in children.
  • Vitamins help support the immune system.
  • Protein builds and repair cells and tissues, and thus help in proper growth.
  • Omega-3 DHA supports normal brain function.  

10 Foods For Your Child Growth:-

1. MILK:-

  • Milk contains Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin-D which helps and maintains strong bones and teeth.
  • Milk has protein which helps to build and repair muscle tissue.
  • Vitamin-B3 in milk is used in energy metabolism in the body.
  • Vitamin-A helps to keep skin and eye health and also helps promote growth.
  • Vitamin-B2 and Vitamin-B5 in milk help your body to use carbohydrates, fats, and protein for fuel.

     Recommended consumption:-

A child up to age 15, should take a maximum of 600-700ml of milk.

2. EGG:-

  • Each Egg contains 6gms of protein which help in the generation and regeneration of cells, thus helps kids to grow faster.
  • Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin which improve eyes health and reduce the impact of macular degeneration.
  • Each egg contains 100mcg of Choline which helps to build the membranes of the cells. It is also important for the development of the brain.
  • Eggs contain Omega-3S which helps in early brain development.
  • Eggs are rich in Vitamin-D which helps to build the bones of a child.
  • Eggs contain the right proportions of fats which is very important for a growing child.
  • Eggs contain Vitamin-B12 which is excellent for a child's brain and nervous system development.
  • Eggs contain Folic acid which is beneficial for child growth.

Recommended Consumption:-

A child should eat 1 egg each day. Raw egg consumption is not recommended for kids.


  • There are many whole grains but some of these are very essential for the growth of a child. 
  • Some essential whole grains are Millet, Farro, Corn, Brown Rice, Balck rice, Barley, Wheat Barries, etc.
  • These whole grains are the powerhouse of energy and rich in Vitamin-b and Iron which help in the overall growth of children and also boost up his/her immunity.
  • Whole grains are loaded with fiber which improves digestive health and prevents constipation.


  • Bright fruits are very attractive for your child and they will easily eat it. Sessional fruits of any region are best in this category.
  • Bright food such as Mangoes, Apple, Banana, Strawberry, Plam, etc. are very essential for child growth.
  • These fruits are rich in Multi-Vitamins and minerals which improve eye vision and help to increase immunity power.
  • These fruits contain Potassium which helps to keep their blood pressure normal.
  • These fruits are a great way to lower the calorie intake of your child and help to energies the kid and thus make him/her more active.
  • These fruits are rich in fibers which help to improve the digestion of your child and also remove the toxins and carcinogens from the body.



  • Dried fruits play a very important role in your child's growth. Adding dry fruits in your child's diet is the best thing you can do as a parent.
  • Some of these dried fruits are-
          a. Almond
          b. Cashew
          c. Raisins
          d. Prunes
          e. Apricot
          f.. Chestnut
          g. Dry Dates
          h. Fig
          i. Peanuts

  • These dry fruits are rich in potassium, iron, folate, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants which boost children's immunity power and keep them healthy and free from many diseases.
  • Dry fruits have lesser fats, sugar, and more essential nutrients for proper metabolism and it also helps to control the overweight problem of your child.
  • Prunes and other dried fruits have fibers, both soluble and insoluble which will improve your child's digestion.
  • Almond remove dead skin cells and walnuts prevent dry skin and thus give a radiant and glowing skin for your child.
  • Dry fruits are rich in Vitamin-B, minerals which regenerate the blood cells and also give energy and build the immune system.
  • Dry fruits help in improving the bone density of your child and making the bones stronger and thus protecting them from excessive wear and tear.
  • Dry fruits are rich in Beta Carotine which reduces the anxieties and depression facing by your child.
  • These also help to improve sleep and sharpen your child's memory and thus enhance learning and performance.


  • Carrot is a food which your child will surely love for its attractive color which is due to the presence of beta carotene, the antioxidant which is converted into vitamin-A, thus it helps tp improves the immunity of your child.
  • The crunchy texture of Carrot helps to clean the teeth and mouth by scraping of plaques.
  • The mineral antioxidants in Carrot help to active gums and starts saliva production thus helps to fight with bacteria naturally.
  • It improves the vision of your child due to the presence of beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.


  • Spinach is rich in Vitamin-C.
  • Its also packed with numerous antioxidants and beta-carotene which increases the infection-fighting ability of your child's immune system.
  • This vegetable can be incorporated quite easily in your child's diet and it is also cheap and easy to prepare.
  • It is rich in Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin-A, Folate, and many other antioxidants which are essential micro-nutrients for your child's immune system.
  • Spinach is healthiest when it is cooked as little as possible, So that retains its nutrients.
  • However, light-cooking enhances its Vitamin-A and allow other nutrients to be released from Oxalic acid.
  • It is also the best source of Magnesium which is necessary for a healthy immune system and also to maintain your blood pressure levels.


  • Broccoli is supercharged with vitamins and minerals.
  • It is packed with Vitamin- A, C & E, as well as many other antioxidants and fiber.
  • It is one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your table for your child.
  • The rich amount of Vitamin-C found in Broccolli which helps to boost your child's immune levels.
  • 100gms of Broccolli can contain up to 89mg of Vitamin-C which is more than a lot of Citrus fruits.
  • It is also rich in Bitacarotines and a host of other antioxidants which makes it a perfect vegetable for your child's overall immunity.
  • The key to keeping its power intact is to cook it as little as possible and better yet not at all.
  • Out of all the keeping methods, steaming is best if you want to preserve the nutrients present in Broccolli.


  • Yogurt is a dairy product made by fermenting milk with yogurt culture.
  • It contains Calcium, Vitamin-B6, Vitamin-B12, Riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Yogurts which are rich in protein, Calcium, Vitamins, enhances gut microbiota, thus offer protection for teeth, bones and help to prevent digestive problems.
  • If your child is a little bit fatty, then low-fat yogurt can be a useful source of protein on a weight-loss diet for your child.
  • Probiotics present in yogurt may boost the immune system of your child.
  • It contains Calcium which essential for the development and maintenance of your child's teeth and bones and also helps to heal the wounds faster.



  • Soybean is rich in protein, saturated fats, fiber, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and phytoestrogens, thus it a very good for your child's healthy growth.
  • Soybean contains Magnesium which helps to increase the quality, restfulness, and duration of your sleep.
  • Soybean contains iron and copper which is vital for the production of Red Blood Cells, thus maximize metabolic activity in your child's body.
  • Soybeans have zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, and calcium, thus it helps in keeping the bones stronger and healthy.
  • As Soyabin has Omega-3 fatty acids in it, thus it boasts anti-inflammatory effects and plays a crucial role in the brain and eye health of your child.
  • Soybeans are a good source of healthy unsaturated fats (with 2 grams MUFA and 5.06 grams PUFA) that can help you lower your child's cholesterol in the body, thus make him/ her more healthy.

      Also, Read the Article on-  

😃Stay safe and eat healthily for your better tomorrow which will bring a happier life than ever before😃

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