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Saturday, June 20, 2020

10 Yoga Asanas For Beginners At Home

Are you want to start doing Yoga? Don't you know which yoga asanas you should start with? 

You don't need to worry about it much. As a Yoga Instructor, I am here to suggest you 10 Yoga For Beginners like you. Yes, you can do all of these at your home. Just you have to follow the instructions given below.

As an instructor, I know it is very tough for beginners to continue these Yogas. But if want good health and a good mind, then you should have a strong determination of doing all this. All of you have to do is, start practicing all of these on a daily basis and at a particular time, then it will be a habit for you.

10 Yoga For Beginners at Home:-

1. PADMASANA (Lotus Position):-

 Origin of Padmasana:- 

Padmasana or Lotus Position is cross-legged sitting asana The name"Padmasana" is from the Sanskrit where the 'Padma' means lotus and 'asana' means position. It is originated in India in ancient times by Maharshi Patanjali.

 Benefits of Padmasana:- 

  • It will reduce your mental stress.
  • It improves your digestion problem.
  • It strengthens knee and ankle joints.
  • It reduces menstrual cramps in girls and women.
  • It helps to increase your concentration power.
  • It helps in fighting with the sleep disorder problem of people.
  • It will improve your posture and a healthy spine.
  • It will boost up your metabolic rate and thus restore the energy level in you.
  • It helps pregnant ladies during childbirth.

 How to do Padmasana:- 

  • First, sit on a flat surface on the ground with your spine erect and your legs stretched out.
  • Bend the right knee, and place it on the left thigh with the help of your hands. Sole of your feet should be point upward and the heel should be close to the abdomen.
  • Now, you have to repeat the same step with your other leg.
  • With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs, place your hands on the Mundra position.
  • You should keep the head straight and spine erect.
  • Now, inhale and exhale for long and deep and hold the position for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the posture with the other leg on the top.

2. VRIKSHASANA (Tree Pose):-

 Origin of Vrikshasana:- 

The name comes from the Sanskrit words 'Vriksa' means Tree and 'asana' means position. It is originated in Indian.

 Benefits of Vriskhasana:- 

  • It improves the balance and stability of your legs.
  • It improves your posture.
  • It improves your neuro-muscular coordination by aligning the body with the mind.
  • It will reduce your stress level.
  • It improves the concentration level.

 How to do Vrikshasana:- 

  • First, stand straight on the ground with your spine erect.
  • Balance yourself and pull you a right leg up, place the right foot on the inner thigh of your left leg.
  • Keep your left leg straight and the right leg should make a triangle.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly and try to focus on a point straight to your eyes.
  • Hold on the position for few minutes and then bring down your right leg in the ground.
  • You should repeat this Asana for at least 3-4 times.

3. TADASANA (Mountain Pose):-

 Origin of TADASANA:- 

Tadasana or Mountain Posture comes from the Sanskrit words 'Tada' means mountain, 'asana' means posture. It is a standing asana in modern yoga. Tadasana is a basic posture and it is the basis of many standing Asanas.

 Benefits of TADASANA:- 

  • It is one of the best yoga postures to increase height.
  • It stimulates our nervous system.
  • It improves body posture and the balance of the body.
  • It regulates the menstrual cycle in women.
  • It strengthens your ankles, knees, thighs, arms, and legs.
  • It improves the function of the respiratory and digestive systems.

 How to do Tadasana:- 

  • First, you have to stand with your feet slightly apart. Your weight should be equally balanced on both feet.
  • Your hands should be alongside your body.
  • Inhale and raise your hands upwards and interlock your fingers.
  • Raise your heels and stand on your toes.
  • Feel that your body is stretching and look upwards.
  • Now, stretch out your shoulders, arms, and chest up.
  • Hold this posture for a while.
  • Exhale and return to your initial position.
  • Repeat the Asana 3-4 times.

4. MARJARIASANA (Cat & Cow Pose):-

 Origin of Marjariasana:- 

Marjaryasana is an asana which is translated as a cat post from Sanskrit. The name of this position comes from 'major' means cat and 'asana' means posture or seat.

 Benefits of Marjariasana:- `

  • This posture improves the flexibility of your muscles and enables you to add funds to more complex poses.
  • This pose strengthening your spine
  • It also improves the blood flow in your spine.
  • It helps in the regulation of breathing patterns.
  • This pose can relieve your back pain.
  • It can reduce your mental stress.

 How to do Marjariasana:- 

  • First, you have to get down onto your hands and knees,  placing each hand directly under its shoulder and each hand under its hip. Point your finger up to the top of your mat.
  • Now relax your hand and neck into a neutral position, looking downward.
  • You have to move first in to get Kafi spores by breathing in and relaxing your belly towards the floor.
  • imagine your breath moving into your lungs and along your back while you lift your chin and chest and look up to the ceiling.  Hold for a few seconds.
  • Gentle moving to get cow face pose by exhaling while you pull your belly in towards your spine.
  • do the same steps for three to four times.

5. VIRVADRASANA (Warrior Pose):-

 Origin of Virvadrasana:- 

The name is from the Sanskrit 'Virabhadrasana', the asanas of the mythical warrior Virabhadra. The Warrior's s name is an intern from the Sanskrit 'Vira' means hero and 'Bhadra' means friend.

Virvadrasana is of two types:- 


 Benefits of Virvadrasana-I:- 

  • This poster strengthens your shoulders and legs ankles and back.
  • It opens your hip, chest, and lungs.
  • It improves focus on balance and stability.
  • It encourages good circulation and respiration.
  • This posture can stretch your arms legs neck belly shoulders and ankles.
  • It can energize the entire body.

 How to do Virvadrasana-I:- 

  • First, you have to stand erect and spread your legs about 3-4 feet apart.  your right foot should be in the front and the left foot behind.
  • Now, turn your right foot onward by 90 degrees and the left by 20-25 degree, make sure the heel of the right foot is perfectly aligned with the center of the left foot.
  • Lift your arms sideways until they reach the height of your shoulders.
  • Exhale and bend your right knee, such that your knee and ankle form a straight line. Make sure that your knee does not go ahead of your ankle.
  • Turn your head towards the right.
  • As you move into the pose, stretch your arms further, and join your palms above your head. Look at your palms. Gently push your pelvis down.
  • Hold the posture as a warrior. Breathe normally and keep going down.
  • Inhale and come up.
  • Exhale and gently bring your hands down from the side.
  • Repeat this posture on the left side, with your left leg in the front and the right one at the back.


 Benefits of Virvadrasana-II:- 

  • Gives strength to your legs, arms, lower back, and tones your lower body.
  • Relieve pain during mensuration days in women.
  • Improve blood circulation in your body.
  • It gives strength to your abdominal organs.
  • It calms your mind and improves concentration.

 How to do Virvadrasana-II: 

  • First, you have to stand straight with your legs hip-distance apart and arms on your sides.
  • Now, Spread your legs wide apart.
  • Turn your right foot out to face the right side of the mat.
  • The other feet will turn inward to make a 45-degree angle.
  • Do not twist your body; keep it in the center, facing the front.
  • Go forward on your right knee making a 90-degree angle; make sure your knee doesn't cross over the toe.
  • Let the other leg stretch properly.
  • Bring your arms parallel to the floor, stretched wide apart.
  • Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side. 

6. BHUJANGASANA (Cobra Pose):-

 Origin of Bhujangasan:- 

The word "Bhujangasan" comes from Sanskrit. It is a combination of two words- 'bhujanga' means cobra and 'asana' means posture. 

 Benifits of Bhujangasan:- 

  • It builds strength in the back of your body.
  • It helps to improve posture.
  • It stretches the muscles of the abdomen.
  • It helps to lift your mood and energy levels.

 How to do Bhujangasan:- 

  • First, lie on your stomach and place your forehead on the floor.
  • You can have your feet together.
  • Keep the tops of your feet pressing against the floor.
  • Place your hands underneath your shoulder, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Draw your shoulder blades back and down, and try to maintain this throughout the pose.
  • Draw your pubic bone towards the floor to stabilize your lower back, and press your feet activity onto the floor.
  • With the next inhale start lifting your head and chest off the floor. Be mindful of opening the chest, and don't place all of your weight onto your hands. Keep the elbows slightly bent and keep the back muscles working. Take your hands off from the floor for a moment to see what is a comfortable, maintainable height for you.
  • Keep your shoulder relaxed.
  • With exhale lower yourself back onto the ground.
  • Till 2-4 rounds of inhaling yourself up into the cobra, and exhaling down to the floor. Then hold for 2-3 full breaths, and come back down. 
  • Now rest on the floor for a few breaths.

7. NAUKASANA (Boat Pose):-

 Origin of Naukasana:- 

The name comes from the Sanskrit word "nava" means boat and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Naukasana:- 

  • It strengthens your abdominal muscles.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs, and shoulders.
  • It improves the health of all organs in the abdomen especially the liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
  • It helps in regulating blood flow at the sugar level.
  • It toughens muscles of neck, shoulder, and legs.

 How to do Naukasana:- 

  • First, bring your feet together and your arms on the sides.
  • Keep your arms straight and your fingers outstretched towards your toes.
  • Start inhaling and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground ground, stretching your arms towards your feet. Feel the tension in your stomach area as the abdominal muscles contract.
  • Let the weight of your body rests entirely on the buttocks. Make sure your eyes, finger, and toes are all in one line. 
  • Hold your breath and remain in this position for a few seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly as you bring the body down to the starting position and relax. You can perform 3-4 repetitions daily.

8. MATSYASANA (Fish Pose):-

 Origin of Matsyasana:- 

The name comes from Sanskrit words "Matsya" means fish and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Matsyasana:- 

  • Improve your balance digestion.
  • It stretches your hamstrings.
  • It reduces stress.
  • It increases the concentration power in you.
  • It tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles.
  • It improves the blood circulation in your body.

 How to do Matsyasana:- 

  • Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat with your hands rest alongside sides.
  • Relax in this position for some time and keep breathing normally.
  • Now inhale slowly and lift both legs.
  • Keep your legs straight and should not be bent.
  • Raise your upper body to touch your legs with both hands.
  • Try to maintain an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Hold your breath and the posture for 10-15 seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly and get back to your starting position.

9. HALASANA (Plow Pose):-

 Origin of  Halasana:- 

The name comes from Sanskrit "hall" means plow and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Halasana:- 

  • It activates your thyroid glands.
  • It makes the shoulder muscles flexible.
  • It elongates and stretches our spine, thus improve our posture.
  • This yoga posture is very beneficial for Synosities patients as it opens up your respiratory glands.
  • It is very effective in removing headaches.
  • It is very beneficial for hypertension patients.

 How to do Halasana:- 

  • Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat with your hands rest alongside your legs.
  • Hold your lower hip and raise your hip with your legs. Legs should be straight. 
  • Take your legs backward, over the head, towards the floor. But if you couldn't make it at a first stretch as much as you could at your initial level.
  • Gently, place your toes on the ground. Then, place your arms back on them alongside.
  • Hold this pose for at least 1-2 min, breathe slowly in this position.
  • As the blood rushes to your head, pace your breath.
  • Once you are done, hold your lower hip with your hands and then slowly come back to your initial position.

10. PHALANKASANA (Plank Pose):-

 Origin of Phalankasana:- 

It comes from the Sanskrit word "Kumbha" which means breathe retention and "asana" means posture.

 Benefits of Phalankasana:- 

  • It tones the belly and lower abdomen organs.
  • It helps us to reduce back pain.
  • It increases flexibility in feet.
  • It improves our mood.
  • This posture builds upper and core body strength.
  • It strengthens the lower back muscles.

 How to do Phalankasana:- 

  • First, come to the push-up position.
  • Spread your singer wide apart with the middle finger pointing forward.
  • Press into your palms.
  • make sure that the torso and hips are straight to the body line.
  • With the toes tucked, press the crown of the head forward.
  • Press the heels back.
  • Hands should be straight. Do not bend the knees.
  • Now hold in this position for a minute.
  • Now slowly come back to your initial position.

😃Stay safe and eat healthily for your better tomorrow which will bring a happier life than ever before😃

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bollywood Actor Sushant Singh Rajput Dies by Suicide

Another heart-breaking news comes from Bollywood. One of the finest and young actors of Bollywood, Sushant Singh Rajput, who was only 34 years old, dies by suicide today in his own apartment in Mumbai. But several questions come in the front, it is suicide or something else?

Sushant Singh Rajput who was a very good student, started his career as a TV serial actor in 'Kis Desh Mein Hain Mera Dil', followed by an award-winning performance in the popular TV serial 'Pavitra Rishta'(2008-2011), then he debuts in Bollywood in 2013 in the buddy drama movie "Kai Po Che". After that, he has done many movies, "Sudh Desi Romance(2013)", "Detective Byomkesh Bakshy" (2015) and PK(2014). But his life-changing movie which "M.S. DHONI: The Untold Story" gave him the limelight. Till today, he had done 11 movies in which he was excellent. His upcoming movie which was going to release on May 8,2020, shifted its date of release due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But now we only have to see his movie with an eye full of a tear!

It is very hard to believe that he is no more with us. He dies by suicide on 14th June in his own apartment in Mumbai where he lived alone. In the afternoon, when his Room-service call him many times to open the door and he got no answer, after that he called the police, then it was confirmed that he died by suicide. 

After the Mumbai Police investigation, it comes to hear that he was facing depression for 6 months and for this reason he was also taking medicines. Whereas, his family members are saying that it is not suicide. But we only will know the actual matter after the investigation will be completed. It is also coming to hear that on 13 June night some of his friends stay in his home to give him advice for his depression. 

His last post on Instagram where he posted a picture with his mother who died in 2002 with the caption 

"Blurred past evaporating from teardrops
Unending dreams carving an arc of smile 
And a fleeting life,
negotiating between the two...

This post has shown that he missed his mother a lot. Many times in his interviews and on his conversation with other celebrities he mentions his mother's name. His word through the post indicates his pain.

Many celebrities twitted after hearing the heartbreaking news of his death. Prime minister Narendra Modi, Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh KhanVirat Kohli, and many more expressing their deep pain after hearing the news of his death.

Today, we lose a gem, a finest, and one of the fittest young actors of Bollywood and will never get him back. We hope it will never repeat again with any celebrity and may his soul Rest in Peace forever.


                    10 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

10 Best Smart Kitchen Appliances of 2020

A smart kitchen means hustle free cooking. Turn your kitchen to a smart one by bringing these smart appliances in your home. These smart kitchen appliances make your work easier and faster than ever before. 

These 10 Smart Kitchen Appliances not only for home, but you can also use them in your hostel, restaurants, or wherever you want. But for sure it will make your life comfortable. So, you can bring these products and give your kitchen a smart look.

10 Smart Kitchen Appliances You Should Have in 2020:-

1.MosQuick Big Size Plastic Grains & vegetables Washing Bowl & Strainer:-

 Customer Ratings- 4 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

Washing your vegetables and grains is a common thing for every man or woman for the kitchen. In the time of washing, some of the grains spill off outside. This kitchen appliance solves this problem. It has small holes underneath which allows the water to get out easily and also prevents the wastage of your food while washing.

This kitchen appliance is made up of plastic which is quite good in its quality. You can easily store it anywhere in your kitchen. The size of the bowl is 25 x 20 x 10.5 cm.

2. 360 Degree Flexible Sprayer Extension Jet Stream/ Water-saving Faucet:-

 Customer Ratings- 4 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

When washing your dishes or other things in the basin, many people face the problem of sticking their faucet in a place, so they can't wash properly and quickly.

This 360 Degree Flexible Sprayer will allow you to extend and spray everywhere around the dishes. So it will save you time and also save more water. It can also use in the time of shampooing your hair, pet bathing, baby bathing. It is a must buy kitchen appliance for you.

It is made up of durable steel and the size is 6.5'' x 1.5'' x 1.5 ''.

3. Inalsa Instant Egg Boiler 360-Watt:-

 Customer Ratings:- 4.5 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

This Egg boiler is a unique kitchen appliance that you should buy. It has 3- modes which allow you to boil your eggs in 3 different ways- hard, medium, and soft. It is very necessary for your busy morning as it can boil 7 eggs at a time and takes only 3-4 minutes to do so.

All you need to do is add the appropriate quantity of water and turn on the machine and set the mode of boiling. The appliance will automatically turn off when the eggs are boiled.

The size of the product is 115mm x 115mm x 125mm. 

4. 360 Degree Aluminum Spray Mop Set with Microfibre Washable Pad:-

 Customer Rating- 4 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

This appliance is really a great product for your home, office, or institution. It enables the home-maker or cleaning staff of your home, office to clean the floors with ease. 

This mob can be helpful in cleaning all floor types- hardwood, vinyl, tile, laminate, and more. It attracts the dust particles due to microfibers and cleans the floor like magic. You may add normal or soapy water in the liquid bottle for more effectiveness.

It is made up of good quality aluminum pole and microfiber mop pad. The size of the product is 65.05 x 16.26 x 8.64cm and the weight is 880gm.

5. Magic Silicone Dish Washing Gloves:-

 Customer Rating- 4 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

If you wash your dishes with your naked hands, then it is a must buy hand gloves for you. Your hands no longer need to be occupied with a sponge. You have had to put the gloves on your hands, then apply soap, and simply scrub your dishes. 

This is made up of silicone scrubber which has heat resistant property and it is coated with anti-microbial properties to resist bacteria build-up in the gloves.

6. Bathroom Soap/Shampoo Dispenser:-

 Customer Rating- 4 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

You may don't like to use the soap which others used before you and if it is so then it is the right appliance for you. You don't have to touch the liquid soap every time, you just have to pour the liquid in the dispenser and push the button. This liquid dispenser can be used for various purposes like a soap dispenser, liquid dispenser, shampoo dispenser. 

The material is made up of good quality plastic and its capacity is 300-500ml.

7. Philips 750-Watt Coffee Maker:-

 Customer Rating- 4 out of 5  

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

If you are a coffee lover, then it is the first thing that must be in your kitchen. This coffee maker gives you an awesome taste of coffee which will make your day. You can bring it to your home and make any time your coffee-time.

It has a detachable filter holder which will be easy for you to remove and wash it off. It has o.6 liter capacity and brewing time is 10 minutes. It comes with 2 years warranty which makes it a perfect smart kitchen appliance.

8. Digital 3D Air Fryer 1500 Watt:-

 Customer Rating- 4 Out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

Indulge your craving without the guilt! This smart kitchen appliance allows you to fry your favorite foods without the extra calories by frying with air instead of drinking foods into the oil. If you want to eat oil-free fries, grill, roast, toast, then this kitchen appliance is highly recommended for you.

This air fryer has a temperature range from 80-200 Degree Celcius and cooking time is up to 30minutes.
This air fryer has a 4 liter Pan capacity and 3.5-liter basket capacity. It has a one-touch screen menu featuring 8 presets-steak, Fish, Cake, Chicken leg, Shrimp, Chips, Ice chip. So can do whatever you want in a single touch.

9. Smart Rice Cooker:-

 Customer Rating- 4 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

Are you fed up with your old pressure cooker? If yes, then you should not get worried off anymore, this Smart Cooker will help you out and give you a final relief. This smart cooker has auto-off technology which will turn off your cooker when your food will be prepared. So, you do not need to worry anymore to turn it off.

This kitchen appliance comes with one additional cooking pot for your cooking convenience. It has 2 indicators- Cook and Warm. After the rice is cooked it automatically shifts to "Keep Warm" mode where it keeps your food warm for 4-5hours. It has a capacity of 1.8 liters where you can cook rice for 4-5 persons.

It comes up with a 1-year warranty, so you don't need to worry about the product.

10. Inalsa 3 in 1 Vacuum Cleaner: Wet, Dry, Blowing:-

 Customer Rating- 4.5 out of 5 

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

Smart home & kitchen must a smart vacuum cleaner which cleans the home quickly and helps you to reach the most inaccessible nooks and corners of your room. Whether it is an overstuffed storeroom, garage, or your baby's playroom, this multi-use vacuum cleaner will clean everything most effectively. I am pretty sure, now cleaning the house isn't tedious and boring at all for you.

It has a 1600Watt efficient pure copper motor that has a powerful suction of 21kpa. The HEPA filtration in it retains up to 99% of dust, dirt, and mites so that your living space is free from airborne pollutants.

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Friday, June 12, 2020

7 Must Read Life Changing Books

"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." - Margaret Fuller 

Yes, the above quote is true. A reader could be a leader. The richest personalities in the world have one common habit and that is reading. You must wonder which books these leaders read? 

Here we will tell you about 7 Life-Changing Books that are going to change your life forever and you also can be a leader, a visionary. Only reading of these books is not enough, you have to apply the principles of these Life-Changing Books in your daily life.

10 Books You Should Read For Your Personal Growth

1. Think and Grow Rich:-

Best buy link:-

 About the author: 

The author of this book is Napoleon Hill. Napolean Hill is the most famous conman you've probably never heard of. Born in poverty in rural Virginia on Oct. 26, 1883, Hill went on to write one of the most successful self-help books of the 20th Century: Think and Grow Rich. In fact, he helped invent the genre. After 20 years of research, Hill wrote this book which changes millions of lives across the globe. Napoleon Hill passed away in November 1970 after a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principle of success. His work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation.

 About the book:

Think and Grow Rich is one of the most important financial life-changing books ever written. The book is about the science of personal achievement- the philosophy of success. Think and Grow Rich is based on interviews of 500 greatest men of the early 20th century, including Henry Ford, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilbur Wright, and W. Howard Taft. The book outlines ways to re-imagine how you think about time, money, and relationships.

2. Rich Dad Poor Dad:-

Best buy link:- [ CLICK HERE ]

 About the author: 

The author of this book is Rober Toru Kiyosaki. He is born on April 8, 1947. He is an American businessman and author. Kiyosaki is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos. He is also the creator of the Cashflow board and software games to educate adults and children about business and financial concepts.

 About the book:

It is one of the best financial books ever. The book is based on his two fathers, Rich dad: who is actually is his friends' father and Poor Dad: who is his own father. His rich dad teaches him and his friend, how money works for the person and give them the financial knowledge to become rich. 

This life-changing book will explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich. It will challenge the belief that your house is an asset. It shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money. It also teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success.

3. Eat That Frog:-

Best buy link:- [ CLICK HERE ]

 About the author:

The author of this book is Brian Tracy. He is the chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International. As a keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year. He is the bestselling author of more than 80 books that have been translated into dozens of languages. He has served as a consultant and trainer to more than 1,000 corporations and more than 10,000 medium-sized enterprises in more than seventy-five countries.

 About the book:

This life-changing book tells us about 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and how to get more things done in less time. This book is written to show you how to get ahead more rapidly in your career and to simultaneously enrich your personal life. Every idea in this book is focused on increasing your overall levels of productivity, performance, and output and on making you more valuable in whatever you do. You can apply many of these ideas to your personal life as well. But the key to success is action. You should apply this principle to your life, only then you will get the desired result.

4. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind:-

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

 About the author:

The author of this book is Joseph Murphy. He was an Irish-born American author and New Thought minister, ordained in Divine Science and Religious Science. He made his belief in the Power of the Human mind and brain, peace, and meditation. He was greatly affected by the Hindu philosophy. The Hindu ideas about love, faith, desire, inner peace molded his thoughts. he then tried to spread these ideas all over the world, his offers were accepted widely all over the world. His books became the best sellers. He taught people how to unleash their inner energies of the brain to gain skill and success.

 About the book:

This book is a practical guide to unlocking the limitless potential that lies within you. Dr. Joseph Murphey, a renowned expert on the subconscious mind, lays down a step by step guide to understanding the subconscious part of your brain and eventually mastering it. This life-changing book contains real-life stories of people who have gained better health and prosperity in their lives with the help of Dr. Joseph Murphy's techniques.

5. How To Win Friends and Influence People:-

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

 About the author:

The author of this book is Dale Carnegie. He was an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Born into poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of the life-changing book "How To Win Friends And Influence People"(1936), a bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Livin, Lincoln the Unknown, and several other books.

 About the book:

This book is about how to:
  • Get out of a mental rut, think new thoughts, acquire new visions, discover new ambitions.
  • Make friends quickly and easily.
  • Increase your popularity.
  • Win people to your way of thinking.
  • Increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done.
  • Handle complaints, avoid arguments, keep your human contacts smooth and pleasant.
  • Become a better speaker, a more entertaining conversationalist.
  • Arouse enthusiasm among your associates.

6. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:-

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

 About the author:

The author of this book is Stephen R. Covey. He is a renowned leadership authority, family experts, teacher, organizational consultant, and co-founder of FranklinCovey Co. He is author of several international bestsellers, including The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which is sold over 20 million copies. His educational qualifications include B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Utah, Doctorate of Religious Education from Brigham Young University, and M.B.A. from Harvard Unversity.

 About the book:

'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' is a book that aims at providing its readers with the importance of character ethics and personality ethics. The author talks about the value of integrity, courage, a sense of justice, and most importantly, honesty. The book is a discussion about the seven most essential habits that every individual must adapt to in order to live a life that is more fulfilling.

7. The 4-Hour Work Week:-

Best buy link:- [CLICK HERE]

 About the author:

The author of this book is Timothy Ferriss. He is a serial entrepreneur, #1 New York Times bestselling author, and angel investor/advisor (Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Ube, and 20+ more). Best known for his rapid-learning techniques, Tim's books- The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, and The 4-Hour Chef- have been published in 30+ languages. Tim has been featured by more than 100 media outlets including The New York Times, The Economist, TIME, Forbes, Fortune, Outside, NBC, and CNN. He has guest lectured in entrepreneurship at Princeton University since 2003. His popular blog has 1M+ monthly readers. 

 About the book:

This life-changing book is the blueprint to increase your productivity. The author in this book tells us how to more productive things in less time.

This book teaches us step by step-
  • How Tim went from $40,000 per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per month and 4 hours per week.
  • How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want.
  • How blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs.
  • Howto eliminates 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist.
  • How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent "mini-retirements".


7 Life-Changing Books for the better version of your self:

This 7 Life-Changing Books will increase your productivity, give you a new way of thinking about life, learn time management & overcome your procrastination problem, make your public skill & communication skill better than before, help you to make more friends, spend quality time with your family, give you real knowledge about money & how it will work for you.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Famous Indian Dishes |Chicken Butter Masala, Hydrabadi Biriani,More|

India is a land of diversity. Many cultures live here together for hundreds of years. As a variety of people live here together, their food tastes also differ. Every state, every culture, every locality has its unique food tastes which are special on its own. Indians love foods that is why in India we can see thousands and thousands of food recipes. Not only Indians love these foods but beyond the boundaries, many people around the world love Indian foods very much. 

When we talk about Indian foods, Spices are the things which make these foods so much special. Spices differ one food from others.

There is a very famous proverb in India "The quickest way to a Man's heart is through his stomach". This proverb actually shows the love for the foods of Indians. Not only Indians, but most of the people around the world also love many Popular Indian Dishes.

Here are some foods which are very popular in India as well as various parts of the world. 

5 Indian Cuisines & Their Recipes:-


Paneer Butter Masala is actually a Punjabi popular Indian dish. The near-perfect and combination of spiciness and creaminess of its gravy makes it simply irresistible and versatile to be served with any Indian bread. Whether you serve it with tandoori roti, naan and paneer kulcha or with steamed rice, it's going to satisfy your plate-like never before.

Preparation time:- 10minutes

Cook Time:- 45 minutes.

Number of serving:- 4-5 Persons 


  • Paneer- 300 gms
  • Oil- 1 tablespoon
  • Onion- 2 Nos. Chopped 
  • Red Chilli - 10 Nos 
  • Tomato- 3 Nos Chopped 
  • Cashew Nuts- 1/4 Cup
  • Ghee- 3 Tablespoon
  • Kashmiri Chilli Powder- 2 Tablespoon
  • Garam Masala:- 1 Tablespoon
  • Kasuri Methi- As per your req.
  • Coriander Leaves
  • Unsweetened Khoa- 50 gms
  • Milk- 3 Tablespoon 
  • Fresh Cream- 2 Tablespoon
  • Sugar- 1 Tablespoon
  • Water
  • Salt- As per your req.

 How to prepare:- 

  • Heat some oil in a non-stick pan, add onions, red chillies, tomatoes, and cashew and saute till they are completely cooked.
  • Add salt and water to help them cook evenly and faster. 
  • Cool the ingredients and grind them to a smooth paste.
  • Heat a pan with some Ghee, then add red chilli powder.
  • Pour in the ground paste and add Garam Masala, salt, coriander leaves and Kasuri methi.
  • Let it simmer for about 10minutes on low flame.
  • Add cream, Koya ( grind it in a mixer jar with some milk to get a fine paste) and mix it well.
  • Add Chopped paneer and stir it well for about 2 minutes.
  • Turn off the stove and serve it hot with a dollop of butter.


It is also known as Murgh Makhani in India. 
This Popular Indian Dish was developed in 1947 by founders of Moti Mahal Restaurant in India. The dish was made by chance by mixing the leftover chicken in a tomato gravy, rich in butter and cream. In 1974, a recipe was published for "Murgh Makhani". In 1975, the English phrase "Butter Chicken" first appeared in print, as a speciality of the house at Gaylord Indian restaurant in Manhattan. In Australia and New Zealand, it is also eaten as a pie filling. The dish is common in India and many other countries.

To marinate chicken-
  • Boneless chicken - 200gms
  • Pound ginger and garlic- 1 Tablespoon
  • Hung Curd- 2 Tablespoon
  • Lemon Juice- 1 Tablespoon
  • Kashmiri Chilli Powder- 1 Tablespoon
  • Garam Masala-1/2 Tablespoon
  • Salt- 1/2 Tablespoon 
  • Oil- 1 tablespoon
To make masala paste-
  • Butter- 1 Tablespoon 
  • Oil- 1 Tablespoon
  • Onion- 2 Nos Chopped 
  • Pound Ginger & Garlic- 1 Tablespoon
  • Tomato- 3 Nos Chopped 
  • Kashmiri Red Chilli- 1 Tablespoon
  • Salt- 1 Tablespoon
  • Cumin Powder- 1 Tablespoon
  • Coriander Powder- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Garam masala- 1 Tablespoon
  • Water- 2 Tablespoon
  • Cashew Nuts- 10 Nos 
  • Water- 1/4 Cup
To make Butter Chicken-
  • Butter- 2 Tablespoon
  • Kashmiri Chilli Powder- 1 tablespoon
  • Water
  • Fresh Cream- 1/4 Cup
  • Kasuri Methi
  • Coriander Leaves 

 How to Prepare:- 

  • Take the boneless chicken pieces in a bowl, add lemon juice, hung curd, ginger-garlic paste, red chilli powder, Garam masala, salt.
  • Mix everything well, and marinate the chicken for about 30minutes.
  • Heat a pan and add some oil.
  • Fry the chicken pieces till they are cooked and keep them aside.
  • In a pan heat some oil and butter, add onion, ginger, garlic, and saute them.
  • Once they are golden brown, add tomatoes, cashew and saute them.
  • Add Kashmiri Red Chilli, Cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder, salt and cook them with little water.
  • Once they are cooked, cool them and grind them to a fine puree.
  • Heat the same pan, add some butter, red chilli powder and add the puree onto the pan.
  • Bring the gravy toa boil, add the fried chicken pieces and fresh cream and simmer the gravy for about 10minutes.
  • Finally, add Kasuri methi and coriander leaves and mix well.
  • Serve it hot with Naan, Roti or Pulao.


Hyderabadi Biryani is a variety of Biryani from Hyderabad, India. This Popular Indian Dish prepared from rice using the Dum method of cooking.

Hyderabadi Biryani is generally believed to have originated in the kitchens of Nizam of Hyderabad, of the Historic Hyderabad state, as a blend of Mughlai and Iranian cuisine. Hyderabadi Biryani is a staple of Indian Cuisine.

Hyderabadi Biryani is of two types: the Kachchi(Raw) Biryani, and the Pakki(cooked) Biryani.


For Marinating the meat:-
  • Mutton- 1 & 1/2 kg
  • Ginger Garlic Paste- 1 & 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Lemon Juice- 2 Tablespoon
  • Turmeric Powder- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Chilli Powder- 2 Tablespoon
  • Garam masala powder- 1 Tablespoon
  • Salt- As per your req.
  • Green Chillies- 2 Nos Chopped 
  • Yogurt/ Curd- 2 Tablespoon
  • Raw Papaya Paste- 5 tablespoon
  • Fried Onion- 1 Tablespoon
  • Few mint leaves 
  • Few Corriander leaves 
For Frying Onion:-
  • Oil- 4 Tablespoon
  • Onion-  7 or 8 thinly sliced 
Cooking Rice:-
  • Basmati Rice - 1kg 
  • Salt- As per your req.
Cooking Dum Biriani:-
  • Oil- 1 Tablespoon
  • Ghee- 1 Tablespoon
  • Whole Spices (Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardamom & Bay Leaf)
  • Saffron Milk

 How to Prepare:- 

Step 1: Marinating meat
  • Mix all the ingredients and refrigerate it for a minimum of 12 hours.
Step 2: Frying Onions
  • Heat 4 Tablespoon of oil in a pan.
  • Add the thinly sliced Onions. Saute till it looks crispy and brown.
Step 3: Cook the Rice
  • Soak 1 kg of Basmati rice for 30minutes.
  • Boil the water and add soaked rice.
  • Add salt & half cooked the rice.
Step 4: Cooking the Dum Biriani
  • Heat the pot. Add 1 Tablespoon of Oil & 3 Tablespoon of Ghee.
  • Add the Whole spices ( Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardamom & Bay Leaf).
  • Gently drop the Marinated Mutton Pieces. Cook for about 5 minutes & turn off the stove.
  • Add a few Corriander leaves and mint leaves.
  • Next, layer it with half-cooked rice & Saffron milk.
  • Add a few Corriander leaves and mint leaves and fried onions.
  • Close the pot and seal it with chapati dough.
  • Keep the Tawa on the flame & place the pot on it.
  • Keep it in Dum for 45minutes to 1 hour.
  • Dum Biriani is ready, remove the seal.
  • Garnish it with fried Onion & Place the Egg over the Hydrabadi Dum Biriani.


Masala Dosa is a variation of the South Indian food dosa, which has its origin in Tuluva Mangalorean cuisine of Karnataka. This popular Indian dish is famous in South India, it can be found in all other parts of India and overseas. In South India, preparation of masala dosa varies from city to city.

Various types of Masala Dosa found in India- Mysore Masala Dosa, Rava Masala Dosa, Onion Masala Dosa, Paper Masala Dosa.


To make Dosa Batter:
  • Idli Rice- 1/2 Cup 
  • Parboiled Rice - 1/2 Cup
  • Urad Dal- 1/4 Cup
  • Fenugreek Seeds- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Chana Dal- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Poha- 1/4 Cup
  • Rock Salt- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Water
To make Red Chutney:
  • Oil- 1 Tablespoon
  • Mustard Seeds- 1/4 Tablespoon
  • Urad Dal- 1/4 Tablespoon
  • Cumin Seeds- 1/4 Tablespoon
  • Asafoetida Powder- 1/4 Tablespoon
  • Curry Leaves
  • Onion- 1 Nos finely chopped 
  • Green Chilli- 2 Nos finely Chopped 
  • Turmeric Powder- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Salt- 1 Tablespoon
  • Boiled potato- 3 Nos
  • Corriander Leaves 
To make Masala Dosa:
  • Dosa Batter 
  • Ghee  
  • Red Chutney
  • Potato Masala

 How to Prepare:- 

  • In a bowl, wash and soak idli rice and parboiled rice for about 3 hours.
  • In another bowl, wash and soak urad dal, fenugreek seeds, Chana dal for about 3 hours.
  • In another bowl, wash and soak Poha for about 3 hours.
  • First, grind the rice without any water and later add very little water.
  • Add the dal and grind it.
  • Finally ad the Poha and grind it into a smooth batter.
  • Add Rock salt and mix well.
  • Let the batter ferment for about 8 hours.
  • To make the red chutney, heat the pan with some oil roast cumin seeds, chana dal.
  • Add onions, garlic, red chilli and sure them.
  • Cool the mixture and add salt and grind it to a fine paste.
  • Boil the potatoes and peel the skin.
  • To make the potato masala, heat a pan with some oil, add mustard seeds, urad dal, cumin seeds.
  • After the mustard seed splutters, add asafoetida, onions, green chillies, curry leaves and saute.
  • After sauteing the onions, add turmeric powder, salt and boiled potatoes.
  • Mix everything well and mash them roughly.
  • Finally, add some coriander leaves and turn off the stove and keep the mixture aside.
  • Heat a Tawa, pour the dosa batter and spread it.
  • Add oil, cook on both sides and spread the red chutney, spread the potato masala.
  • Fold the Dosa and serve it hot.


Dhokla is a famous food in Gujrat. There are 9 different varieties of  Dhokla prepared in Gujrat. It is taken in snacks, lunch even in dinner also in North India. 

Various types of Dhokla available in India- Khatta Dhokla, Rasia Dhokla, Khandvi Dhokla, Cheese Dhokla, Toor Dal Dhokla, Sandwich Dhokla, Rava Dhokla, Mixed dal Dhokla, Besan Dhokla, Khaman Dhokla.


To make Dhokla Batter:
  • Gram flour- 1 cup
  • Sugar- 1 Tablespoon
  • Salt- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Turmeric Powder- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Eno fruit salt- 1 Tablespoon
  • Water 
To make Dhokla Syrup:
  • Oil
  • Mustard seeds- 1/2 Tablespoon
  • Green Chilli- 5 Pieces 
  • Curry Leaves 
  • Water- 1/2 Cup
  • Corriander Leaves Chopped
  • Lemon juice- 1 Tablespoon

 How to Prepare:- 

  • In a bowl, add the gram flour, add 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 tablespoon salt, turmeric powder and mix everything well.
  • Add water to the mixture and mix it well.
  • Whisk everything well, the batter should be of flowing consistency and not very thick.
  • Rest the batter for about 10minutes.
  • Grease a cake tin with some oil.
  • Heat a pressure cooker/ pot with some water.
  • Place a stand inside and let the water come to a boil.
  • Just before pouring the batter into the cake tin, add Eno fruit salt and mix it gently.
  • Pour the batter immediately into the cake tin, and close and steam cook the Dhokla for about 25-30minutes on medium flame.
  • Heat a pan with some oil, add mustard seeds and let it splutter.
  • Add green chillies, and curry leaves.
  • After a few minutes, pour water, add salt, sugar.
  • Bring it to a boil and turn of the stove.
  • Add lemon juice, coriander leaves and stir well. 
  • Check the dhokla and let it come to room temperature.
  • Take the dhokla from the cake tin and cut it into squares.
  • Pour the tempered ingredients onto the dhokla.
  • Let the dhokla soak in the tempering.
  • Finally, garnish it with grated coconut and coriander leaves.
  • The Dhokla is now ready to be served.

"Laughter is brightest, where food is best"

Question for the readers:-

Name some famous Indian foods that you love most?