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Thursday, June 4, 2020

15 ways to Hair Fall Control | Hair Growth Natural Tips

The hairstyle gives an attractive look to everyone. It gives a boost in confidence in any person. It gives a reflection of your personality. So, it is very important to have healthy and dense hair in your life. But what if hairs start falling? It is a matter of tension for any person. In fact, men experience more hair fall than women. So, to stop unexpected hair fall we can take some steps that can help us to get out of this problem and give us a more confident life.

But, at first, we have to understand, 

What are the main reasons for hair fall?

  • One of the main reasons for hair loss is genes that most of the men get from their parents. Due to this reason, men face baldness most of the time.
  • Temporary hair loss can be a sign of various medical issues, like diabetes, anemia, high blood pressure, or thyroid problems.
  • The deficiency of protein and iron in the body can be the reason for hair fall.
  • Any type of stress, depression, and lack of sleep can be the reasons for hair fall in men.
  • The chemicals in your shampoo, hair gel, wax can damage your scalp which leads to hair fall.
  • Men who wear a helmet, cap most of the time, experience more temporary hair fall because of the sweat stuck in the root which weakens the roots thus leads to hair falls.

Despite all these, you can stop your hair fall and strengthen your scalp and can have dense and beautiful hair and live a happier and confident life. 

How to do hair care in this lockdown time?

15 Ways to Stop Hair Loss and Regrowth Your Hair:-

1. Avoid Combing Wet Hair:-

Avoid combing your hair just after the bath. It increases the chance of hair fall because it is in the weakest form at that moment.

Let your hair dry for some moment or rub your hair slowly with a towel to dry quickly and when it is dry, comb it with a wide-toothed comb. Avoid combing your hair frequently, as it causes hair to fall quickly.

2. Take a Good Diet:-

A good diet is very essential for your healthy hair. Take foods that are rich in Protein, Iron, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-B, Vitamin-A, Vitamin-D.

Foods to eat- Eggs, Berries, Spinach, Fatty Fish, Sweet Potatoes, Avocados, Nuts, Seeds, Oysters, Shrimp, Beans, Soybeans, Meat, etc. foods are rich in all the nutrients which are good for your hair health.

3. Keep Yourself Hydrated:-

Water makes up almost 25% of the weight of a single strand of hair. If your hairs do not get the proper moisture it needed, it ends will split or become brittle. So, it is very essential for you to keep yourself hydrated all the time. When your scalps are hydrated, this also eliminates the problem like dandruff.  Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day will help to strengthen your hair and increasing the growth of your hair.

4. Regularly Wash Your Hair:-

You should regularly wash your hair because if you wash your hair regularly, the dirt from your scalp will be washed out and thus lowering the risk of infections and dandruff which will reduce your hair fall to a great extent.

5. Sweat Free Scalp:-

 Most of the men/women wear a helmet or cap while driving his/ her two-wheeler. In the summer days, due to wearing of the helmets, we sweat more and the sweat stuck in our scalp which can weaken the roots, thus leads to hair fall. So, you can cover your head with a napkin before wearing a helmet or use a soaking pad in the helmet which will soak the sweat and reduce the hair fall problem.

6. Avoid Dying or Heating hairs regularly:-

Don't use dryer or heater frequently. Heat weakens your hair proteins and frequent heating and drying can lead to weakness and fragility that causes hair fall. Only use the dryer if it is very urgent and you need a quick dry up.

7. Save Your Scalps from Sun:-

If your scalps directly expose to the Sun for a long time, UVA & UVB rays can damage your hair and your hair. Signs of damage from Sun lead to discoloration, split ends, and dryness. To avoid this problem, you can use sunscreen on your hairs or scalps but make sure you use a biotic sunscreen.

8. Oiling Your Hair Regularly:-

As we all are very busy nowadays, it becomes very difficult for us to apply oil on a regular basis which causes dryness in hair scalps, thus hair fall happens. You can apply oil on your scalps 30-45mins prior to your shower twice in a week and wash it off with a mild shampoo. You should take a good hair massage at least once in a week with Almond oil or Olive oil or coconut oil which is best for you and leave it overnight to dry and wash it off with your shampoo next day. Oiling hydrates, nourishes and helps to soften your hair and gives essential protein and vitamins to your hair.

9. Choose the Right Shampoo and Conditioner:-

A good shampoo and good conditioner are very important for your healthy hair. Try to use the shampoo and conditioner which are SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate), paraben, silicone-free. Use natural shampoos as far as possible. 

It is extremely important for you to understand your scalp type and accordingly choose the right shampoo for you. A good conditioner can works wonder for your locks. It contains amino acids that help to repair damaged hair, and also helps to keep them smooth.

10. Sound Sleep and De-Stress yourself for Healthy Hair:-

A sound sleep at night is required for protein synthesis of the hair and releases the growth hormones which is very important for the overall hair growth, Our body produces Melatonin which is a hormone that helps in regulating the body's sleep cycle and increase hair growth. If the level of Melatonin is low, then there is a chance of extreme hair fall. So do not take much stress and avoid using your mobile and PC before going to your bed. This will improve your sleep quality and thus reduce your hair fall problem.

11. Avoid Touching Your Hair Frequently:-

Most of the men and women have a habit to touch their hair with hands. Your hands may contain harmful bacteria that can cause infections to your scalps, this may damage your hair. So try to avoid touching your hairs frequently.

12. Use Garlic, Onion or Ginger Juice:-

Use garlic, onion, ginger juice on your scalps, leave it overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Do it regularly for a week or two and you will see noticeable results. Onion is rich in sulfur which helps to promote collagen production. Collagen helps the production of healthy skin cells and hair growth. Garlic removes toxins from the scalps and prevents excessive hair loss. This mixer of garlic, onion, and ginger increases the blood flow in your scalp which promotes hair growth

13. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol:-

The nicotine in cigarettes affects the skin and the scalps. It can narrow blood vessels which leads to less blood flow in our scalp, so our scalp doesn't get the necessary oxygen and nutrients and for this reason, roots of the hair weaken and hair fall happen.

Alcohol also can cause hair loss by interfering with the absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients.

For better health of your hair, you should try to avoid smoking alcohol as far as possible.

14. Do Exercise or Yoga:-

Do exercise or yoga regularly. Yoga or exercises increase blood flow and oxygen through your scalps which strengthen your scalps and reduce the hair fall problem and help to regrowth your hair.

Some Yoga Asanas to Boost Hair Growth-
a. Uttanasana
b. Vajrasana
c. Adho Mukha Svanasana
d. Apanasana

Balayam is an exercise which also helps to reduce hair fall and regrowth your hair.

15. Consult Your Doctor:-

If you are experiencing excessive hair loss, then you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible because hair loss can be because of various reasons. So a proper medication guide is very necessary at this moment.

Question for the readers:-

Do have any suggestions on how can we reduce our hair fall problem? 
If you have any suggestion please write your thought on the comment box.

Also, Read the Article on-  

😀I hope this article will help you to get rid of your hair loss problem and you can experience a happier and more confident life than ever before. Stay safe and eat healthily for your better tomorrow which will bring a happier life than ever before😃

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